Stock photos can be found anywhere and if you’re looking for an image, you’re bound to find a professional, high quality picture of any of the well-known distribution sites.
That’s great! Except… it will cost you to use the image. Although the price depends on the image, despite paying, the rights for using the image (commercially) may vary. So if you’re on a tight budget or simply can not afford to pay for an image to use on your website, blog, etc, you can go right ahead to any of the three free right image sites below.
Free stock photos
Let’s get right to it. These are three websites where you will find awesome stock photos that you can freely use, even for commercial purposes! And don’t worry – the quality most certainly will not be lacking.
Sometimes it may be tough to understand all those licenses for images on the Inernet. All photos that you can find on Pexels are licensed under the CC0 License. This stands for Creative Commons Zero and simply means that the images can be used for any purpose, free of charge! Yes, this includes using the free images for commercial use.
Moreover, you are not required to add a link to the source as credit.
Link to site:
Ah, don’t let the name of this website scare you off – you will without a doubt find tons of completely free images to choose from. New images are always being added, so be sure to check back later if you couldn’t find what you’re looking for.
Link to site:
Our third candidate on the list of websites where you can find free stock photos for you website, blog, article, etc. features more than 660.000 free stock images to choose from. On top of that, you can find vector files and art illustrations. The images on this website are free of copyrights and can be downloaded, modified, distributed and used royalty free without asking for permission. This includes using the free images for commercial purposes. Linking to the source of the photo is not required.
Link to site:
Finding free images for your blog or website doesn’t need to be hard. On the websites listed above, you will find high quality photos for free. Improve your website, dress up your blog article or presentation.
Don’t run into legal trouble by using images that you are not allowed to use without paying, and if you plan to use an image commercially, make sure you’re allowed to! Always check the license just to be safe.
Do you know any other awesome sites where you can find free images? Spread the word in the comments!