I Made a Ball Pit For My Cat… Out of Paper (Photo Blog)

A couple of months ago, I made a ball pit for my cat. I have two cats, but in all honesty, only one of them is up for games and jokes. xD

I did not use balls, though. I used something I had saved up for 3 years: crumpled tea bags!


Exactly! I drink tea on a daily basis and so did my mom and aunt who came to visit us regularly. I decided to save up the tea bags, crumple them and store them in empty contains.

It all started when I one day crumpled up the tea bag and threw it for Ricky, instead of into the trash can. She chased it!

So next time I made tea, she recognized the sound of me crumpling up the empty tea bag and appeared in the kitchen. I would then throw the crumpled bag again, and she would chase it again.

This went on for quite some time. She always appeared in the kitchen when she heard that sound, but sometimes she didn’t chase the wad.

I often made more than one cup of tea at a time, so I put the additional crumpled papers in my pants pocket. Sometimes I threw them later for Ricky.

But then I had this amazing idea of seeing how many crumpled up tea bags I could collect! :D

(There were a lot of crumpled tea bags lost under the couch and behind cabinets…)

Paper Ball Pit for Cats

So, because I make more tea in a day than Ricky can chase, I randomly started saving up the ‘excess’ tea bags, crumpled up and stored into a container.

I did this for about three years, and I finally decided to stop and show my collection to Ricky!

The result? 16 empty ice cream containers filled with crumpled tea bags!

I put everything into an empty cardboard box and showed it to Ricky! Of course I also made a video and uploaded it to the Backyard Cats YouTube Channel, and I embedded the video below.

So I made a ball pit for my cat with these crumpled papers. Here are a couple of photos. The video can be found at the end of this article!

Ricky enjoying herself in the box filled with crumpled up papers!

Cute cat Ricky sitting like a human in her box. :3

Ricky digging her head deep into the crazy amount of crumpled papers, looking like an ostrich after I hid some cat treats in the box!

Watch the video!


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