I love the fun fair! Not for spending a ton of euros only to end up with cheap plastic stuff I could’ve brought for a buck at a random shop… and not for the rides, either. xD I love the arcade machines, coin pushers and fruit machines/one-armed bandits/slot machines! For their colors, but also their entertainment value; it’s difficult to resist spending money on a few coins to insert into them.
When the fun fair was in town in April, I went for a visit of course. I also took a photo of the prize point cards at the coin pushers.
As for this art project, I already started working on a 3D image of fun fair coin pusher prize cards before I knew a fun fair would finally strike down in my town again, after about two and a half years of restrictions. I just love those bright and shiny looking cards and coins with prize values on them!
Thank you for checking out my shiny coin pusher prize cards! I made them with the free 3D modeling program Blender.