Blender: Hair Doesn’t Appear Everywhere on Object (Particles System)

Blender holes in hair particles system

So I wanted to add hairs to my cat model, and thus went ahead and added the Hair Particles System. Only to find out that the hair doesn’t appear everywhere on the object! I had not specified where hair should or shouldn’t appear, I just wanted it everywhere. But I kept running into the same problem.

I spent two days thinking, trying things out, googling help, until… I realized what the problem was.

Blender hair doesn't appear on object

Hair appears inside object (hair particles system)

I literally took a closer look at my cat and went inside: Where the hair didn’t display on the outside of my object, it was on the inside!

This is how you fix the problem:

– Go into Edit Mode
– Go to Mesh –> Normals
– Select ‘Flip’


Blender hair particles hairs on the inside fix

This is the result after flipping the Normals in Edit Mode. Nice and fluffy cat. :3 Reminds me of an alpaca, lol. Needless to say, this isn’t its final form.

Mari’s Note

This is Mari’s note to herself. This note may or may not be useful for you. It is intended as a personal note, publicly shared in case someone else finds a use for it as well.


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