So, I was creating the inside of a cave in Blender, to create a mine to be precise. To achieve this, I added a cylinder, subdivided it and went into Sculpt Mode to create details of the cave.
Once finished, I went back into Object and Edit mode and I decided to add a texture to my cave. My 3D model now has triangles, and I didn’t think anything of it. I selected the entire model, went ahead and applied an image texture and then… well, as you can see in the image above: the image texture is not applied to all triangles. I am using Blender 3.5.0 by the way.
So, despite selecting the entire model, it appears that my custom image texture was only applied to a couple of triangle faces on my 3D model.
I got discouraged for a sec… what’s wrong with my Blender model this time?
Luckily it didn’t take me long to realize I need to perform this one simple trick to get Blender to do as I want.
The solution:
When you have a Blender object that you applied an image texture to, and your texture is only applied to certain (seemingly random) faces, in my case triangles, simply select your entire object, press U on the keyboard and click Unwrap.
And that was it! It was easy to solve my Blender problem of Image Texture not Applied to Triangles. I’m hoping it’s useful to you as well!
Thank you for checking out my Blender Note! I am by all means a beginner in Blender, so I do not feel qualified to label this post as a 'tip' or 'tutorial'. However, I decided to upload this note for myself, and hopefully it can be useful to others as well.
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