Blender Ugly Mirror Seam Fix

Blender ugly seam fix

As I was trying to make a realistic cat model using mirror mode in Blender, I eventually stumbled upon a weird/ugly seam in my object after applying Subdivision Surface.

This is how I fixed the issue as shown in the image above:

– I disabled “Display modifier in viewport” on the Mirror Modifier
– Then I was able to see the meshes/faces that don’t belong there
– I simply removed them and re-enabled “Display modifier in viewport”

Blender ugly seam fix

This made the neck of my cat nice and smooth. Now, I also had a problem across the cat’s chest with another ugly seam, and I applied a couple of tips I found on the internet to fix that. Below is a list of possible fixes:

  • Apply object rotation and scale. Ctrl+A -> rotation & scale
  • Remove doubles
  • Make sure Clipping is enabled on the Mirror Modifier
  • Make sure the modifiers are in the correct order: Mirror Modifier -> Subdivision Surface Modifier

Mari's Note

Thank you for checking out my Blender Note! I am by all means a beginner in Blender, so I do not feel qualified to label this post as a 'tip' or 'tutorial'. However, I decided to upload this note for myself, and hopefully it can be useful to others as well.

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