Help Me Help Street Cats

Event: Extended! Expectations: Lowered!

Well, well, well. Such unexpected results. All I asked for is for people to register and comment to help street cats, hoping to gain enough support to grow my website, for which in turn I would spend my own money to donate shelters to the street cats in my city. Unfortunately,…
Help Street Cats Event

Register & Comment to Help Street Cats! – Event

I need your help. Or better yet, the street cats in my city need your help. I am starting an event to help the cats in my area, and it will cost you not a single penny to contribute! Here is the plan: I am running this event from TODAY (December…
Christmas Gifts 2024

A Surprise Christmas Package!

Yesterday I picked up a package. It was from my brother and aunt! A small package for both my birthday and Christmas - with two lovely Christmas cards inside. But the small package was packing quite a few things I didn't expect to find in it! Allow me to share some…
Memories 2007

Today Marks 1 Year Since Moving To Eastern Europe

The bikes of mom and me, in the park in our hometown in 2007. Today marks exactly 1 year since moving out of my childhood home in The Netherlands. It was a cold Sunday morning as we woke up on our mattresses in the empty living room, in our empty house,…
Support InspireMari

Sign Up to Support InspireMari & Street Cats!

I am happy to present you with a brand new Members System on! You can now create an account and interact with my website. While doing so, you will be earning Golden PawCoins! These PawCoins can be used to unlock adoptables, called StarKittens. Your membership will support! StarKittens are…
InspireMari turns 15 years old

InspireMari Turns 15 Years Old!

Wow, time sure flies! I wanted to create a celebratory post about turning 15 years old this month. I purchased the domain in 2009, and since then, this personal blog has went through a lot of changes. However one thing remained constant: I always posted kawaii and beautiful visuals and…
New Mini Game: Can You Become A Billionaire?

New Mini Game: Can You Become A Billionaire?

Ugh, let's ignore how many days it took me to get this to work. x_x Yeah I'm not a programmer, so pardon me. It's working in an acceptable manner on Desktop (it works on mobile too, but it looks horrible unless you rotate your screen) and I do think it's a…
New Mini Game: Breaker

New Mini Game: Breaker

I actually designed this game a long time ago, but it finally found its place back on my website! Here is a game of Breaker! This game was the main reason I moved the Mini Games section to its own section on it wouldn't work within my WordPress theme. :(…
Fireworks Mini Game

New Game: Celebrate with Fireworks!!

My new Mini Games page needs a lot of work still - please excuse the dead links and double listing of some games. ^_^; It's quite a lot of work to manage this separate from my WordPress blog, but I'm working really hard on new challenging, fun and relaxing games every…
new mini games page

New Mini Games Page!

In order to ensure that all Mini Games work well in your browser, I moved the mini games section to their own unique section on InspireMari! Sometimes, the scripts interfered with the WordPress scripts, making it extremely hard or even impossible to make the games run... So, I decided to give…