A couple of years ago, I had a memory game made with pictures of our own cat Tommy on it. It was a present for my dad, I was hoping he would enjoy playing it by himself, with me, with mom or his grandchildren but sadly he never did. As he struggled with his memory and thinking capabilities after suffering from a stroke, I wanted to give him something fun and useful for his birthday.
It’s nothing personal, he just struggled a lot with finding a hobby in general. Especially in his last years, he didn’t do much more than just… sit. Mom and I would try so hard to get him a hobby, but he just wasn’t interested in anything.
So yeah, that’s the story of this cats memory game with pictures of Tommy. I found it again while sorting out and packing our stuff for moving out of my childhood home.
Perhaps if you see this blog post, you’ll want to make your own cats memory game with pictures of your cat(s) and play it with your family, or just keep it as a nice memory keepsake.