Event: Extended! Expectations: Lowered!

Well, well, well. Such unexpected results. All I asked for is for people to register and comment to help street cats, hoping to gain enough support to grow my website, for which in turn I would spend my own money to donate shelters to the street cats in my city.

Unfortunately, the event failed. With zero people placing 10 comments each.

You might be wondering: Well, if you want to help those cats so badly, why don’t you just buy those shelters?

It’s very simple: my financial situation doesn’t allow for such expenses. But I can’t help but want to do something about it.

I need some help.

Anyway. I’m not giving up.

Getting people to find my website is already a difficult task – my website gets more than a thousand pageviews per month – but getting people to interact is a whole new challenge in itself.

What I did to draw attention to the cause:

  • Posted a tweet
  • Posted a video about this on my Backyard Cats YouTube channel
  • Uploaded short-format videos on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram
  • Posted highlight art of my StarKitten adoptables on Twitter and Instagram
  • Posted highlight art of my StarKitten adoptables on DeviantArt
  • Uploaded highlight art of my StarKitten adoptables on Pinterest

January 29: Extended the Event by one month.

January 24: Uploaded highlight art of my StarKitten adoptables on Pinterest in hopes to draw attention to the cause.

January 17: Posted highlight art of my StarKitten adoptables on DeviantArt to draw attention to the cause.

January 13-14: Posted highlight art of my StarKitten adoptables on Twitter and Instagram to draw attention to the website and the cause.

January 11-12: Uploaded a short-format video to two of my YouTube Channels and two of my Instagram accounts, as well as the Backyard Cats TikTok account.

January 6: Posted a video about this on my Backyard Cats YouTube Channel.

January 5: We’ve got some users signing up and making a few comments! But so far, no one has placed anywhere near 10 comments yet. Fingers crossed!

December 26: Posted a Tweet for this post.

Event: Extended

So. We’re just going to keep on truckin’ and I’m hereby extending the deadline of the event to February 28.

New Event Conditions:

I will donate 1 outdoor cat shelter (see picture above for an example) for each person who comments 10 times. Up to three shelters.

That’s it. That’s the condition now.

Would be awesome if we could manage this together!

This page will be updated throughout.


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