How to Make a Flower in Blender (Easy Tutorial)

Hi all! Today I would like to share with you an easy, beginner friendly tutorial on how to make a flower in Blender. For this guide, we’re going to use the array modifier. I will explain step by step exactly what to do, so come with me!

First Make the Leaf

We’re going to start by making a leaf. Add a cube (or use your default cube) and apply a Subdivision Surface Modifier and set it to 2. Apply.

Now, I select four faces in the front and turn on Proportional Editing (O on the Keyboard).

I simply ‘push in’ the four faces, like pictured above.

Then, I select one vertex right in the middle, and still with Proportional Editing on, I push it in. Don’t forget to adjust the size of your Proportional Editing in accordance to the shape we’re trying to make. See picture above.

I then turn off Proportional Editing (press O again on the keyboard) and add an additional loop cut at the edge and pull it forward a little bit. See picture above.

Now, we have to make our leaf a little bit less thick. So I select the entire object and scale it on the Y axis (check if you’re using a different axis). See picture above.

Then, I turn on Proportional Editing mode again and shape the leaf like pictured above.

After that, I add another Subdivision Surface Modifier to my leaf and set it to 2. Apply.

Let’s Shape the Flower!

Now that we have our leaf, we’re going to shape it into a flower!

De-select your leaf. Press Shift A and add a Circle. Press R, X, 90 to make it face the same way as the leaf, see above.

With your Circle still selected, go to Object -> Convert -> Curve.

Now, select your leaf and add an Array Modifier, and then a Curve Modifier.

Set the ‘Curve Object‘ of the Curve Modifier to ‘Circle’.

Now you can play with the size of the leaf by resizing it to your liking, and change the number (“Count”) to the number you need. See image above for an example!

If you got a nice result, select your object, go to Object -> Convert to -> Mesh. Now you can delete your circle! At this point, I also Shade Smooth my flower.

Finalizing the Flower

Now we can finalize our flower. Deselect your object and add a new cube (Shift + A). Add a Subdivision Surface Modifier and set it to 3. Shade Smooth. Now resize it: make it smaller, and a bit flatter, then place it right in the middle. Like in the picture above!

I would say we’re pretty much done! Now you know how to make a flower in Blender using the array modifier. You can color it as you like. In this case, I gave it colors with Vertex Paint. I hope you had fun following this tutorial!

Mari's Note

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