I Found Kapsalon in Ruse!

I really didn’t think I would find this outside of the Netherlands, but apparently this dõner kebab dish is so popular it made its way to Bulgaria: I found kapsalon in Ruse!

I was surprised to see a restaurant offer this dõner item of Dutch origin (Rotterdam to be exact), so I couldn’t wait to try it.

As it turns out, it’s served pretty much identical to kapsalon in the Netherlands: in an aluminum tray covered with aluminum foil.

Kapsalon is Called капсолон in Bulgaria

That reads as “kapsolon” by the way. It comes with kebab meat, fries, cheese, sauce, onion slices, cucumber pieces, cabbage and some tomato.

The cucumber pieces to me seem to be an Eastern European addition. Romania did this too, but with pickles, and it’s not my favorite. But nonetheless, I ate it all and it was very satisfying!

Now, here’s hoping I will find a saucijzenbroodjes (sausage roll) too…


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