Today I am sharing with you some coffee that I made!
No, not the drink. A drawing! ^_^
I made kawaii cups of coffee with delicious looking brown liquid inside of a pink mug – let’s just say it’s cappucine with a tea spoon of coconut oil and a bit of powdered sugar! (This is actually quite delicious, you should try it out. :3)
I drew several versions of the coffee cup – all in pink. And in this blog post I am displaying my three favorite ones!
As seen in the image at the start of this blog post, the middle cup is light pink with darker pink, in a swirled motion. It contains ‘plain’ coffee.
On the left, there’s a coffee cup with a hearts design. This cup of coffee has a swirl of coffee flavored whipped cream on it.
On the right, we have a cup of coffee in a mug with a cute kitty design, and marshmallows in the drink!
Two more pictures below:
The kawaii mug of coffee with hearts design and coffee flavored whipped cream on top!
The super kawaii coffee mug with kitty design. :3