Meanwhile, it’s been a long time since I shipped off my Pokémon plushies to The Philippines. I thought it was time to buy a new one, a plushy of a Pokémon I’ve always wanted to have: Raichu!
Raichu has been one of my absolute favorites ever since I started watching the TV series back in 2000. I watched all the way up to about Master Quest, and only saw a couple of episodes or just fractions of the newest Pokémon episodes. I wish Raichu was in more episodes, when I watched Indigo, Orange Islands, The Johto Journeys, The Johto League Champions, Master Quest, Advance. But then again, the same goes for other favorites, like Dratini, Suicune and Misdreavus.
Of course I love Pikachu too, and I definitely wouldn’t want Ash to evolve his Pikachu into a Raichu. It just wouldn’t be the same.
Ash and Pikachu belong together. But if it was up to me, I would love to have a Raichu as a starter if I were to become a Pokémon trainer. ^_^