Pokemon Mini (Handheld Device)

I’ve made quite a few posts about my Pokémon collection by now, and I’m not quite finished yet! ^_^ Today I want to talk to you about Pokémon Mini, a small device that fits in the palm of your hand or in your pocket.

Sadly, this is the only picture I have at the moment, but allow me to tell you what this little handheld device is all about!

Pokemon Mini: Short Description

Pokémon Mini is available in three colours: Blue (Wooper), Green (Chikorita) and Purple (Smoochum).
The console is only 7,4cm high and 5,8cm wide and the games are non-colour. The console has a clock, rumble function, movement-sensor and internal memory to save game data. Also, one can play with someone else by using the infrared sensor on the console.
It is like an even smaller gameboy with smaller games.

Game: Pokémon Party

Rocket Start
Baseline Judge
Ricochet Dribble
Dance Delight
Boxing Frenzy
Speedy Fake Out (2p only)
Battle Field (2p only)
Celebi’s clock

Pokémon Pinball

Quest – Simply get the ball in all holes.
Time Attack – get the ball in all holes in as little time as possible!
Score Attack – You have limited time to get as many points as possible.

Pokémon Puzzle Collection

This game contains 80 puzzles in one game! You can fill in Pokémon shapes in Shadow Puzzle, slide Pokémon back together in Motion Puzzle, prove your skills in Rescue Mission and try to fill the Pokémon Minidex to reveal more puzzles.

Pokémon Zany Cards

Of course you can’t leave this game out! The Trading Card Game for Pokémon Mini. You can play this by yourself, or against a maximum of 4 people. The games are: Wild Match, Special Seven, Card Duel and Four Kings.
All cards, obviously, have Pokémon on them.

Pokémon Tetris

Tetris shakes the world of Pokémon! This game is about making horizontal lines. You do that by flipping the blocks so that they all fit together (or as many as possible). If you have one (or more) horizontal line(s), the line(s) will disappear. You get points for that (although it depends on the game).

However, if the blocks just keep stacking up, the game will be over.

If you can make four or five horizontal lines disappear, you can catch the Pokémon that you see on the right side of your screen. You can view your Pokémon in the Pokédex.

In this game you can catch 249 different Pokémon. The Pokémon you haven’t caught yet, will be shown as shadows (Who’s That Pokémon?!).

Games in 1P mode:
Standard: The standard Tetris game. Keep playing until there is no more space for blocks to drop down.
20 Lines: In this game you’re supposed to make 20 lines disappear as fast as possible.
Pyramid: Make all lines disappear as fast as possible.

Final Thoughts

I really love the Pokemon Mini device and have spent many hours playing the games. Tetris is my favorite! I hope my post was interesting and again – I’m sorry I don’t have more pictures. It’s a long story but I can’t get to my Pokemon Mini right now. In the future I’ll take more pictures of it as well as of the cute game cartridges. :D


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