Street Cats in Bulgaria: Apartment Cat (Comic)

There are many street cats in Bulgaria. From what I’ve seen here in Ruse, a lot of them are in okay or even good condition. Some others, not so much.

A lot of cats stick to a certain area where they know they can expect people to feed them and provide water for them. Around our apartment block, you can find plastic containers with water for the street cats. Locals also give them food.

But not everyone gives the cats something.

A couple of days ago, when I came back from shopping, I saw this tuxedo cat in front of our apartment entrance. I like to call this cat Apartment Cat. He or she looked a little more rugged. With a dirty coat. Always carefully looking at people, letting out a small meow to ask for something eat.

An elderly man walked past, right in between me and Apartment Cat. He was holding a bag. And as with anyone walking by, Apartment Cat gestured towards him, asking for food. The man immediately lifted his bag up in disgust, startling the cat.

The look on its face, I’ll never forget…

I found it so sad, I had to draw this. I’m not good at drawing comics, but I just needed to create this 3 panel comic to share with the world the struggles of street cats.

As for Apartment Cat, I have started giving it some food every now and then as well. Figured I’d give it some Friskies every time I leave the apartment, or when I come back. Hopefully he or she will be alright. It’s the least I can do, but it feels bad being unable to do more. Some cats simply need more help and I hope that I will be able to give help when needed. Much like this YouTuber did when he found Earina.

A Sad Update…

Meanwhile, Apartment Cat became pregnant and therefore she was given the name Mama Cat. She has given birth to her kittens somewhere, but I haven’t seen the kittens. There are people in this city that take care of the street cats and also foster baby kittens. Perhaps that was the case for Mama Cat and her litter.

But now – on May 29, 2024 – it has been two weeks to a month since I’ve last seen her. I’m afraid something bad happened to her. I recently found a local Facebook Group and read a lot of troublesome posts. Kittens get thrown into trash cans, attacked by dogs (deliberately so by the owner of the dog) and apparently some people throw poison out for the street cats to eat.

Life of stray cats is already hard enough as it is, and unfortunately a lot of people like to make it even worse for them, cutting their short lives even shorter. Sometimes before they even had a chance.

I haven’t been able to find any info on Mama Cat. I’m going to assume she has been killed. Her water bowl is still in the corner. I look out the window several times a day, but no Mama Cat.

May her soul rest in peace.


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