Not enough is being done about fake rescue videos

Not Enough is Being Done Against Fake Rescue Videos

Not enough is being done against fake rescue videos, but this new form of animal abuse was finally picked up by a mainstream news site. I was checking out the news for the Netherlands this morning and I was pleased to see that finally, an article was dedicated to the horrible…
spanking tuxedo cat reported for animal abuse

My YouTube Video Got Reported for Animal Abuse

So, a day ago, I uploaded a funny cat video of me slapping Ricky on her butt. Repeatedly. For a minute (but in 5x the speed). I could make a one hour video if my arm wouldn't get tired, because after Tommy, Ricky now also developed a liking for getting pet…
Scared stray kitten in the Philippines (2019)

Watch Out for Fake Animal Rescue Videos on YouTube

Scared stray kitten in the Philippines (2019) photo taken by I had been watching animal rescue videos from the same three channels for about a week on YouTube, when YouTube started recommending me more videos from other channels. This is how I stumbled upon a very suspiciously filmed video of…