Not enough is being done about fake rescue videos

Not Enough is Being Done Against Fake Rescue Videos

Not enough is being done against fake rescue videos, but this new form of animal abuse was finally picked up by a mainstream news site. I was checking out the news for the Netherlands this morning and I was pleased to see that finally, an article was dedicated to the horrible…
mycammedia rescues animals in Indonesia

Animal Rescue in Indonesia: The work of Umar

Animal rescue in Indonesia: With our staff Ajeng, and guests Fiacra, Kwiq, Kwaq, and Peony Notice by Mari: THE LINKS IN THIS ARTICLE CONTAIN GRAPHIC IMAGES OF REAL SITUATIONS. NOT ALL STORIES HAVE A HAPPY ENDING. I do plead you to please not shut your eyes, these animals depend on you!…
Cat eating toxic houseplant Anthurium

My Cat Chewed on a Toxic Plant

I caught Ricky chewing on an Anthurium house plant. Apparently the Anthurium house plant is potentially toxic to cats (and even humans), which I was not aware of at the time. I wanted to use this event to create an educational blog post for cat lovers. First and foremost: - Ricky…
Scared stray kitten in the Philippines (2019)

Watch Out for Fake Animal Rescue Videos on YouTube

Scared stray kitten in the Philippines (2019) photo taken by I had been watching animal rescue videos from the same three channels for about a week on YouTube, when YouTube started recommending me more videos from other channels. This is how I stumbled upon a very suspiciously filmed video of…