How to Render Viewport Shading in Blender

How to Render Viewport Shading in Blender

Looking at the userface of Blender can be pretty overwhelming. It's easy to lose track of where to find what feature. If you're wondering if it's possible to only render the viewport in Blender - it is! And in this quick guide I'll tell you exactly how to render viewport shading…
How to curve text around a circle in Blender

How to Curve Text Around a Circle in Blender

Here is a quick and easy tutorial showing you how to curve text around a circle in Blender. Start by adding a Circle to your scene. This is the circle we're going to wrap the text around. Convert your Circle to a Curve by going to Object -> Convert to ->…
How to Make a Flower in Blender

How to Make a Flower in Blender (Easy Tutorial)

Hi all! Today I would like to share with you an easy, beginner friendly tutorial on how to make a flower in Blender. For this guide, we're going to use the array modifier. I will explain step by step exactly what to do, so come with me! First Make the Leaf…
How to loop cut only one face

Blender: How to Loop Cut Only One Face

You ever ran into this issue where you were modeling something and wanted to add a loop cut, but the loop cut goes around the entire object? Or crosses more faces than you'd like? If you want to know how to loop cut only one face, I have a simple solution…
How to add a sheet to your bed in Blender

Blender Tutorial: How to Add a Sheet to Your Bed

For my current Blender project, I am making a bedroom scene. I've already created the bed and added pillows, and now it's time to drop a sheet onto the bed! If you also want to know how to add a sheet to your bed in Blender, just follow this quick tutorial!…
How to use Sculpt Mode in Blender

How to Use Sculpt Mode in Blender: Get Started Quickly!

If you already have some knowledge about Blender and you want to know how to use sculpt mode in Blender, I want to present you with some short and easy steps to get started. Note: I am currently using Blender version 3.5. I use Right Mouse Click to select objects. Step…
Blender Subdivide Shortcut

Blender: Subdivide Shortcut / Loop Tools (Keyboard)

I'm really posting this as a reminder for myself, as I always see people bring up this menu with right-click, but my right-click in Blender doesn't work that way. So I figured out how to enable this handy little menu with a press on the keyboard, and it's as follows: Go…
How to make a pillow in Blender

How to Make a Pillow in Blender (SHORT & EASY)

For a bedroom scene I am working on in Blender, I needed to make a pillow. Luckily, it's very easy to make a pillow in Blender! I'll be happy to introduce you to a couple of short and quick steps to follow. Let's go! Make a Pillow in Blender Note: I…
How to put objects in a circle in Blender

Blender: How to Put an Object in a Circle (Using Array Modifier)

For my next Blender project, I needed to know how to put an object in a circle. So, I had to figure out how to do that. It's actually not that hard to arrange objects in a circle in Blender! I wrote this information down so that if others need it,…