New Mini Game: Crazy Chicken Compliments

New Mini Game: Crazy Chicken Compliments

A new mini game has been added to! This time, it's a JavaScript based game involving a chicken. And not just any chicken - a CRRRRRAZY chicken! Crazy for you! Hop on over to the Mini Games section or go directly to the Crazy Chicken Compliments game page!
Rice dish with chicken thighs

Rice Dish: Chicken Thighs and Veggies

If it wasn't obvious already, I love rice dishes! This time I used a dark soy sauce for the chicken thighs. I prepared the rice with butter, white pepper, garlic powder, kurkuma (curcumin) powder and some salt. Through the rice, I mixed garlic, onions, Spanish pepper, shiitake and Chinese cabbage that…
Today’s Dinner: Chicken Thighs in Tomato Puree

Today’s Dinner: Chicken Thighs in Tomato Puree

Today I decided to do something different: I cut my chicken thighs in very small pieces, fried them up with some onions and garlic (and spices) in coconut oil and then added some tomato puree. To finish it off, I added some cheese to melt through it. I served it with…
Today’s Dinner: Chicken, Rice and Beans

Today’s Dinner: Chicken, Rice and Beans

Today's dinner (well, my first meal of the day as I occasionally attempt intermittent fasting) consisted of chicken thighs, green beans and left-over rice (nasi goreng) from a Chinese-Indonesian restaurant, with some chopped onions and garlic. Fried in a mixture of coconut oil l, butter and lard.
Today’s Dinner: Chicken Soup

Today’s Dinner: Chicken Soup

Today I made chicken soup using the cleanest chicken stock I could order from the supermarket, and added a bunch of vegetables, a tiny bit of butter, black pepper, Himalaya salt and soy sauce. I used the following vegetables: Onions Garlic Bok choi Chinese cabbage Carrots Spring onion Celery Bell pepper…