Growth Log: December

Growth Log: December

The last day of the year has arrived! Here are the statistics for December. But I might reconsider my growth log for next year! Growth Log: December 2022 - personal website Total posts: 223 (+13) Visitors p/day: 34 (avg. unique) Visit: InspireMari on Twitter - social media Total Tweets:…
Growth Log: November

Growth Log: November

Not many updates for in November. I've been working on a lot of projects, but they are not finished yet. If only a day had 48 hours and I wouldn't sleep off 24 of them, you'd be amazed what I would be able to create! Alas, a day has only…
growth log for october 2022

Growth Log: October

This is my growth log for October! In this month, I have focused especially on updating my blog (cleaning up categories, updating some information) and adding new videos to the Backyard Cats YouTube Channel. I have also added a Backyard Cats page to! I am finding it extremely difficult to…
growth log september

Growth Log: September

Welcome to my Growth Log for September 2022. In this month, I have been focusing especially on my Backyard Cats youtube account. I've uploaded a ton of videos and I'm also experimenting with Shorts. It's funny how some shorts seem to gain a lot of traction within a short amount of…
August growth log

Growth Log: August

Welcome to my Growth Log for August 2022. In this month, I have been producing art and uploaded a bunch of videos to the Backyard Cats YouTube Channel. I have also cleaned up my blog, deleted some categories and moved posts to different categories. Furthermore, I am in the process of…
Growth Log: July

Growth Log: July

Welcome to my Growth Log for July 2022. In the first half of this month, I have been working hard producing art, creating video content of my cats and adding more photos to my Instagram accounts. In the second half of July, I got caught up with other things. Let's see…
Artist Growth Log

Growth Log: June

I've decided to publish a monthly growth log of all of my online efforts; this website, YouTube channels, Instagram Accounts, Twitter and DeviantART. I figured it would be useful as well as motivational for both myself and any other artists and online content creators who are struggling to build up their…