Pokemon Stuff

Pokémon Nostalgia: Stuff and more Cards!

The box, booklet and manual of Pokémon Stadium 2. I have the game cartridge, obviously. I'm not sure why it's not in the photo... A couple of items from the Pokémon Center in Japan, sent to me by a friend back in the day. A roll of plastic bags, stickers and…
Pokemon Collection on VHS

Pokemon Nostalgia: VHS Collection!

I have a couple of Pokemon VHS tapes in my collection and, being a fan of languages, I have some Pokemon tapes in various languages! Let me show you. ^_^ This Pokemon VHS is straight from Japan and therefore in Japanese! This Pokemon VHS is in Arabic! I don't speak the…
Pokemon Mini

Pokemon Mini (Handheld Device)

I've made quite a few posts about my Pokémon collection by now, and I'm not quite finished yet! ^_^ Today I want to talk to you about Pokémon Mini, a small device that fits in the palm of your hand or in your pocket. Sadly, this is the only picture I…
Pokemon Comics Collection

Pokemon Nostalgia: Japanese Comics Collection!

In this post, I want to share with you my Japanese comics Pokemon collection. ^_^ Pokemon Gold and Silver anime comic. These are full-color pages in Japanese, with furigana for the kanji. A very useful comic for Japanese learners! Very colorful pages! These books basically contain a lot of still images…
Pokemon Dutch CD

Pokémon Nostalgia: Dutch Pokemon CDs

Front of the Pokémon Third Movie Music CD in Dutch. All songs have been translated to Dutch, which is interesting, because the original Pokémon intros (Indigo League and Orange League) were left in English in the Netherlands. While pretty much every other country had the Pokémon intro translated into their native…
Pikachu Soap Dispenser

Pokémon Nostalgia: Figurines and More!

Look at this super cute Pikachu soap dispenser! I think this design of Pikachu is very well done and would make a great addition of Poké-cuteness in your kitchen or bathroom, don't you think? ~_^ A cute Pikachu bubble blower as a keychain. Pikachu sits on a pink/partially transparent Pokéball and…
Pokemon Cards on My Bed

Pokémon Nostalgia: Pokemon Cards on My Bed

A huge collection of Pokémon cards! Random TCG, Pokémon Neo Card Game and Pikachu World Collection. Another shot of the Pokémon cards. And another shot.
Pokemon Origami

Pokémon Nostalgia: Items From My Collection

Pokémon stickers stacked on my bed. If I remember correctly, I could just buy packs of stickers back in the day, probably ten at a time for maybe a euro. So of course I did that and saved them all up! And some Digimon stickers as bonus! :D Sadly, I don't…
Pocket Pikachu Color

Pocket Pikachu Color

Ah, Pocket Pikachu Color, my beloved! Pokemon brings me a lot of happy memories. Today I would like to take a moment to talk about one of my all time favorite Pokemon items from my Pokemon collection, this so-called "Pikachu Tamagotchi". It may not be called a "game", since Pocket Pikachu…
Linda Lovely Fanart from Wowser

Wowser: Linda Lovely Fanart (Anime Nostalgia)

I loved watching Wowser when I was around 10 years old! It was one of my favorite cartoons growing up in the 90s. Today, I decided to draw some Linda Lovely fanart, or as I know her: Cherry! This cartoon/anime is called 'Dommel' in The Netherlands, similar to the Japanese title:…