Blender: How to add Transparent Images as Planes

Blender: How to add Transparent Images as Planes

For a project I'm working on, I needed to have Blender load multiple transparent PNG images as planes. It required a bit of experimenting how I could best do this, but I managed to do it as follows: Blender 2.82 Transparent Images as Planes Note: I use Blender EEVEE rendering engine,…
Blender Eevee: Equirectangular setting missing (HDRI doesn’t show)

Blender Eevee: Equirectangular setting missing (HDRI doesn’t show)

Well, that's not going to happen to me again at least. -_- While working on a new 3D project, I was puzzled that the HDRI image doesn't load in my Blender Scene. I spent about 15 minutes googling and comparing with my previous works, only to eventually find out that I…
Blender: How to Loop Cut selected face only

Blender: How to Loop Cut selected face only

I often start making something in Blender, only to realize I really wish I could use the Loop Cut Tool on just one selected area (face). Using the Knife Tool just doesn't cut it(!) most of the time. Luckily, it is possible to Loop Cut just the selected face! How to…
Can’t Save Images in GIMP: Permission Denied (SOLVED)

Can’t Save Images in GIMP: Permission Denied (SOLVED)

So I ran into an annoying little problem in GIMP where I could suddenly not save images into certain folders. I noticed it does work in some folders, but not the folders where I wanted to have my images, even on my Desktop! The problem completely stumped me and it took…
Blender: How to Flip an Image Texture

Blender: How to Flip an Image Texture

I'm certain I'm not working with textures the 'professional way' in Blender, but I do have a way of applying textures to my models. This way pretty much always works out, except sometimes I will run into a little problem I need to find a solution for. One of these problems…
Blender: Vertex Paint doesn’t show in Render Mode

Blender: Vertex Paint doesn’t show in Render Mode

Imagine the following: you're in Vertex Mode, coloring your object nicely. When it's all set and done, you lean back and select Viewport Shading or Rendered View. And what do you see? Nothing! What happened to your Vertex Paint?! Well it's very simple, luckily. By default, your Vertex Paint is added…
Blender: Hair Doesn’t Appear Everywhere on Object (Particles System)

Blender: Hair Doesn’t Appear Everywhere on Object (Particles System)

So I wanted to add hairs to my cat model, and thus went ahead and added the Hair Particles System. Only to find out that the hair doesn't appear everywhere on the object! I had not specified where hair should or shouldn't appear, I just wanted it everywhere. But I kept…
Blender: Why are there Holes in my Sculpt?

Blender: Why are there Holes in my Sculpt?

While attempting to learn a bit of sculpting in Blender 2.92, I ran into an ugly problem: tiny holes started appearing in my sculpture. I learned that using the Grab brush/functionality in Sculpt Mode and holding Shift while going over the holes, closes them back up. Now, I do not believe…
Blender: How To Hide Object In Render

Blender: How To Hide Object In Render

I am currently using Blender version 2.92. There used to be two icons visible in the Blender Outliner, one for hiding an object in your scene and one for hiding an object in your render. Well, that's missing now... I needed to disable something, so I had to figure this out.…
Blender Ugly Mirror Seam Fix

Blender Ugly Mirror Seam Fix

As I was trying to make a realistic cat model using mirror mode in Blender, I eventually stumbled upon a weird/ugly seam in my object after applying Subdivision Surface. This is how I fixed the issue as shown in the image above: - I disabled "Display modifier in viewport" on the…