Today’s Dinner: Upgraded Mustard Soup

Today’s Dinner: Upgraded Mustard Soup

Today I made an upgraded version of my simple and quick mustard soup recipe and although it turned out to be a little spicy with half a habanero in it, it was delicious! The recipe was close to the same as last time, but with more carrot, more celery (dried), added…
Simple and Quick Mustard Soup Recipe

Simple and Quick Mustard Soup Recipe

It wasn't my full dinner of course, but I made a simple and quick mustard soup as an appetizer to my rice meal today. I never made or even tasted mustard soup before, so it was an experiment. I used whatever ingredients were left in the house. I think it was…
Today’s Dinner: Chicken Soup

Today’s Dinner: Chicken Soup

Today I made chicken soup using the cleanest chicken stock I could order from the supermarket, and added a bunch of vegetables, a tiny bit of butter, black pepper, Himalaya salt and soy sauce. I used the following vegetables: Onions Garlic Bok choi Chinese cabbage Carrots Spring onion Celery Bell pepper…