World Peace Palace Den Haag

The Hague Peace Palace (Vredespaleis)

If you like viewing impressing buildings, you might want to take a look at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands (in Dutch: Vredespaleis). A visit to the Peace Palace is fairly easy, and will leave you with impressive memories. The Hague Peace Palace is a special building in the…
scheveningen city near the hagye

A visit to Scheveningen (The Hague / the Netherlands)

On the 18th of September, 2019 I visited the beach of Scheveningen near The Hague in the Netherlands. Despite having chosen to visit the beach at a late time in the year, it was luckily quite a nice and bright day, allowing me to take a bunch of nice photos. Scheveningen…
dutch vending machine

Fast Food Vending Machines in the Netherlands

A fast food vending machine at The Hague Central train station. Although these vending machines were a lot more common in the past, you can still find these fast food machines in many places in the Netherlands. Allowing you to take out a hot snack or burger, it is my experience…