Today’s Dinner: My Favorite Takeout in Ruse

Today would have been my mom’s birthday. Although it’s the second birthday since she passed, it’s the first time while I don’t live in my childhood home anymore.

Mom and dad’s birthdays were actually close together – on 26 and 31 August and as a result, they were often celebrated on one day. Family from further away in the Netherlands used to come over to celebrate, but as relatives became older, fewer people ended up coming and it would ultimately just be a visit by my brothers and one aunt on such occasions. And after they ate their cake and left, we would usually get either snackbar food or Chinese takeout.

Their birthday celebration was either way always a delicious memory. And I decided to get some takeout from my favorite restaurant here in Ruse, as a memory so to speak. To ”keep the tradition alive”, but I will not continue to do so every year… I must move on, as hard as the death of my mom hit me.

Today’s Dinner

This dish pictured at the beginning of this blog post is called ”petiletka”, small brioche buns with pulled pork on them. Served with a piece of corn and some fries.

These are pork ribs, also served with fries and corn. The glazing/sauce seems to be the same as on the petiletka.

This is a “pleskavitsa”, which is more commonly spelled “pljeskavica” in Serbia and other Balkan countries, where it is a popular grilled meat patty dish. I find this meat to be very soft and enjoyable!

The fries, served with the petiletka, come separate in a plastic container. Enclosed. So they will always arrive soggy, but I will not complain because they’re awesome to me! (I am a HUGE fries lover) I just always add a pinch of table salt though. :D

Thank you for having a look at today’s dinner!


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