Trickster Online: PvP System

Trickster Online currently has 3 different ways for Player Versus Player battling.

In Ceremonia, talk to Bunny Maid and give her 1 Pink Potion A. She will send you to the Waiting Room. Here, you can choose to battle 1 on 1 (talk to Don Giuvanni on the left, requires 3x Compound Waste) or enter the battlefield where any number of people is allowed to go in: talk to Rosemary and select Battlefield of Dessert or Battlefield of Garden. Each field will cost you 1k Galders to enter.

The final option is located in Phantom School Dungeon, which can be accessed through Shaman Girl Jia, who is right in front of the entrance to Phantom School 1-1. Simple talk to her, and she’ll let you in free of charge. Phantom Dungeon comes with monsters, whose levels are around 180. The monsters drop potions, galders, Phantom Weapons (e.g. Phantom Pugio) and Stones/Crystals/Metals 185. In this Dungeon, you are free to attack anyone, as long as your Status isn’t set on Peace Mode. On the right side of your screen, you will see your scores of kills and defeats.

PvP with Monsters (Phantom School)

Watch out, as the Ghost Books in Phantom Dungeon self-destruct. They tend to say “Guaah!” before doing so.

The Tritch, called Dark Ball, will frequently try to teleport you to Megalopolis.

About Trickster Online

Trickster Online was a fun, cute 2D MMORPG to play on your computer or laptop. With 8 different characters, a wide variety of skills and jobs and tons of quests, your options to enjoy this game seem almost unlimited.
Apart from the usual way of gaining experience to level up (grinding on monsters in any of the various maps available for you level, with or without party), Trickster Online also offered a tremendous amount of quests, ranging from easy to difficult to get them done, aswell as the Card Battle option and Drilling System.

Aside from leveling up, however, there were other features to this game: Card Battle (as previously mentioned), MyCamp System and Guild System.

The official servers of Trickster Online were available from 2007 - 2013. In order to play Trickster nowadays, you'd have to join a private server.


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